Songs of This Place and Its People
Hard Times
The August Gale. Tobias Pearson sings about a ferocious storm on August 25, 1927 that destroyed many ships. This song was written by his grandfather Bill Wilson of Merasheen.

The Bruley Boys. Mac Masters' version of this song from 1921 about two men caught in a storm coming back from St. Pierre with a load of rum.

Cape Pine's Treacherous Shore. Cornelius Parsons wrote and sings this song about a voyage that almost came to disaster.

The Forest Fire. Bernice Duke sings about a devastating fire that raged in1961.

The General Rollison. Frank Shea gives us this song about a Marystown vessel sailing out of New Harbour that encounters a heavy gale.

Loss of the Schooner Maggie. Matthew Byrne gives us the true story of two ships colliding off St. John's in 1896. He learned it from his mother Linda who got it from her father Frank Slade. From Ballads. Matthew Byrne. 2010.

Marion Moore. Rick McCue's song of the tragic loss of a fishing boat with all hands aboard. From Keeper of the Tide. Denmar Music. 2005.

Patrick and Elizabeth. Darrell Duke's song about a fishing boat that went down on October 14, 1994. Five men from Freshwater were lost and never found. From Safe From the Storm. Balsom Street Studios. 2015.

The Rudolf. Fergus Leonard shares this tragic song of a ship lost at sea.

The Tidal Wave Song. Mary Anne Counsel shares this sad song about the destructive force of the sea on November 18, 1929.

The Tiny Red Light. Bride Rose gives us her rendition of a tragedy that might have been averted.

Tobias Murphy and Pat Hand. John Bishop sings of two fishing boats from Petite Forte lost in a ferocious storm.

The Wreck of the John Harvey. Jack Wadman sings of a vessel lost on the stormy seas.
